Impeach Joe Biden? That Appears to be the Consensus

I saw a report recently that said a majority of Republicans and more than one-third of all registered voters believe Joe Biden should be impeached if the GOP takes back the house in the November midterm elections.

Nobody should be surprised by this—not after what the Democrats did to former President Donald Trump.

According to a new University of Massachusetts poll, the fact that Democrats twice voted to impeach Trump has essentially turned impeachment into a political weapon.

“The decision to impeach a president was once viewed as a last resort to reign in a president who pushed or broke through the boundaries of our laws, values, and ethics,“ said University of Massachusetts Amherst pollster Tatishe Nteta.  “Today, impeachment is no longer a final option but one of many weapons to be used in an era of rampant partisan polarization to gain the upper hand on one’s partisan opponents. With many Republican members of Congress calling to impeach President Biden, the chorus will likely grow louder if and when the Republican Party takes control of the U.S. House in 2022.”

According to the poll, nearly 70% of registered Republican voters want Congress to impeach Biden if the GOP retakes the majority in the House of Representatives after the 2022 midterm elections.

The poll indicated that 54% of Republicans say Biden will be impeached, while 44% of all respondents believe he will be. More than one-third of all registered voters in the poll representing Republicans, Democrats, and independents say Biden should be impeached.

Impeachable Joe?

The team behind the poll suggested that the upcoming midterm elections will be incredibly tight as both Republican and Democratic voters are expected to come out and vote in high numbers.

Jesse Rhodes, a professor of political science at UMass Amherst and the associate director of the poll, said, “Super-majorities of Democrats and Republicans both say they are energized going into the 2022 midterm election season. This fall, we could be in for very closely fought campaigns with partisans of all stripes excited about the election. A lot will hinge on whether and to what extent Democratic and Republican candidates successfully turn out their voters during the campaign.”

Republican and Democratic respondents to the poll both indicated they were “excited” to vote in the upcoming midterm elections, with 79 out of 100 Republican respondents and 73 out of 100 Democratic respondents indicating they were motivated.

Independents, however, appeared less enthusiastic, with only 47 out of 100 saying they were excited about the midterms.

Nevertheless, the days of Americans being mainly indifferent to midterm elections could be over.

“In the 2018 midterm, turnout was highest since 1914 with close to 120 million Americans going to the polls,” Nteta said. “Our results suggest that the days of low voter turnout in midterm elections may be over, with Americans on both sides of the partisan divide expressing excitement to vote in 2022 and their belief that the results of the 2022 midterm election will be important for the nation’s future.”

That’s for sure. I’m not sensing much apathy when it comes to the November midterms.

We have a president and an administration that is responsible for the highest rate of inflation in America in 40 years, the highest gas prices ever, a wide-open border that has allowed some two million illegal migrants to flood into our country in just one year, an unprecedented shortage of baby formula that has left parents scrambling to feed their infant children, and woeful mismanagement of the Covid-19 pandemic which has seen American deaths hit the one million mark—600,000 more than during the Trump administration when 393,000 deaths were recorded BEFORE Covid-19 vaccinations were available.

Then, there was the disastrous, chaotic, and mismanaged exodus from Afghanistan, the highest crime rate in American cities in three decades, and the adoption of policies that have abolished U.S. oil and gas independence.

In my lifetime, I have never witnessed such a substandard performance by any president—and that includes President Carter, whom, until now, I always considered the worst and most inadequate American president in the past 100 years.

But Biden has Carter beat in that regard, hands down.

So, should Biden be impeached? You bet. He’s earned it.

When you consider the flimsy motives the Democrats used to impeach Trump, the case for impeaching Biden is rock-solid.

Just look at the horrendous damage Biden has done to our country!

If you can’t see that, then, my friend, you must have been living in a cave somewhere for the past 18 months.


11 thoughts on “Impeach Joe Biden? That Appears to be the Consensus”

  1. Biden should not be impeached. He should be tried as a traitor since pretty much every issue you name except inflation meets that standard. And if Demoncrats (spelling intentional) and Republicans actually honored their oath of office he would have already been impeached….as would Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and McConnell.

    As Walter Brennan was known the say in The Guns of Will Sonnett series “no brag, just fact”!

    • Unfortunately, the president is not subject to criminal indictment while in office, and no criminal charges can proceed against him unless he’s either removed from office by impeachment or has served out his term. But there is no doubt that what he has done to our country is criminal and in my mind, he deserves to be tried for treason. Just ask all those moms who can’t find baby formula! If any of those moms vote for a Democrat in the midterms, then they are politically masochistic and they deserve what they will get if the Dems control Congress for another two years.

  2. I agree with you on the decline of America since Biden took over. One other thing that scares me is he doesn’t seem to be able to control his own staff. The walk backs of his Taiwan statements are a crime. Joe keeps saying we back Taiwan if attacked and his staff keeps saying “Oh no he misspoke.” Very weak. Yes, he needs to be impeached and the apologists for him need to go away.

    • Thanks, John. I have covered Taiwan since my first posting to Asia by the Chicago Tribune in 1974 and contrary to common belief the U.S. has no defense treaty with Taiwan. We don’t even recognize it as a country. So if there is some “policy” that we would send troops, ships, or planes to defend Taiwan should China invade, it exists in Biden’s head, which we all know by now, is mostly empty.

  3. “The decision to impeach a president was once viewed as a last resort to reign in a president who pushed or broke through the boundaries of our laws, values, and ethics,“ said University of Massachusetts Amherst pollster Tatishe Nteta. — It seems Tatishe Nteta needs to learn the difference between “reign” and rein.” Makes me wonder about Amherst being one of America’s most prestigious colleges and accepting only the best and the brightest.

    • Mea culpa—I now see Nteta represents U Mass/Amherst, not Amherst College, However, U Mass/Amherst is ranked among the most prestigious public universities in the USA. I would expect higher standards for a public statement.


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