“Reading a Book is Like Life:
You Live it One Page at a Time.” (Ron Yates)

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About Ronald E. Yates

Author,  former  foreign correspondent for the Chicago Tribune, and Dean & Professor Emeritus of the College of Media at the University of Illinois, his acclaimed works are now available through this site.

The Latest From My Blog

Will 2024 be a Reprise of the Disastrous 1876 Presidential Election?

Will 2024 be a Reprise of the disastrous 1876 Presidential Election? What a question, you might ask. But let’s look at what happened in 1876, and then you can decide. The political comparisons between 1876 to 2024 are striking. Let’s set the scene. In 1876 the Democrats controlled the House, …

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Kamala Harris: The Untouchable Political Chameleon

In 2020, after Joe Biden announced that Kamala Harris would be his running mate, an ad hoc group of Democratic Party operatives sent an extraordinary memo instructing all news media outlets on how to cover Kamala. Here’s what the memo said, in part: “Our country — and your newsrooms — …

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The AR-15 Rifle: Myth vs. Reality

The would-be assassin who tried to kill Donald Trump but instead killed one member of the former president’s campaign rally audience and wounded two others used an AR-15 rifle. It took only a few hours before Joe Biden was once again yelping about banning the AR-15, incorrectly referring to it …

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Did Joe Biden’s Inflammatory Comments Inspire Failed Assassin?

The man can’t help himself. Even after an assassin almost gunned down his number one opponent, Joe Biden doubled down on his insistence that Donald Trump is a threat to American democracy. During an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, Biden admitted grudgingly that he made a mistake when he commented …

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“Scoop,” the Classic Book that Lampoons Foreign Correspondents

(Occasionally, I like to repost my piece on Evelyn Waugh’s “Scoop,” the classic book that lampoons foreign correspondents. I first read Scoop in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, in March 1975 as Communist Khmer Rouge guerillas surrounded the besieged city. Day after day, the Khmer Rouge bombarded the city with 107mm Chinese-made …

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Is America on the Cusp of a Second Civil War?

The most controversial movie of 2024 (so far) is the dystopian film “Civil War.” It depicts a politically and socially divided America in the throes of a second civil war. In the not-too-distant future, the United States is no longer united but split into four warring forces or states. There …

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The Pitiful State of America’s News Media

Every day, a new political poll materializes, telling us which presidential candidate is leading in which state, county, or even city. Other polls tell us which candidate is leading nationally or who is leading with a particular group of voters: black, Hispanic, Asian, white, etc. I’m weary of polls like …

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Will the 2024 Democrat National Convention be a Replay of 1968?

In 1968, Chicago was known as “the city that works,” meaning a powerful Democratic political machine commanded it. The master of that machine was a virtuoso politician and mayor named Richard J. Daley. A year before, “Boss” Daley had pitched Chicago as the site of the 1968 Democrat National Convention. As …

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America’s Descent into an Orwellian Abyss

In college, I read George Orwell’s gloomy and ominous novel 1984. While it was eye-opening, I never once considered that the totalitarian world it portrays could ever materialize in America. Today, I’m not so sure it couldn’t. We seem to be already moving toward the dystopian totalitarian state of “Oceania” …

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Sports Should Unify, Not Divide Us

I recently read the transcript of Clay Travis’s speech last April at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar in Bellevue, Washington. Travis is co-host of The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show and founder of the sports media company OutKick. What he said about sports, particularly women’s sports, was powerful …

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The First Presidential Debate Will Be a Minefield for Trump

Does anybody believe the first presidential debate on June 27 between Donald Trump and Joe Biden will be fair? I don’t—not when the moderators are Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, both of whom are afflicted with TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and are perhaps the biggest Trump haters at CNN. If …

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Do Big Conservative Victories in Europe Foreshadow the U. S. Presidential Election?

It used to be said that when the United States coughed, Europe caught a cold. Times have changed. In recent European Parliament elections, millions of Europeans cast their ballots across 27 countries, and Europe’s conservatives won big. Very big. It was MEGA, as in “Make Europe Great Again,” big. This …

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