When I joined the U.S. Army in the 1960s, we were told our job was to defeat communism—specifically, the kind practiced in the old Soviet Union. After almost a year of specialized top-secret training, I was assigned to a specialized detachment of the Army Security Agency in West Germany.
Our job was to monitor and keep track of military units in communist Eastern Europe—specifically, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Yugoslavia, East Germany, and, of course, the Soviet forces.
I took my job seriously. After all, Marxism was the antithesis of the democratic government of the United States.
Communism was a disease that needed to be eradicated. It was a political plague responsible for the murder of as many as 150 million civilian non-combatants during the 20th Century in the defunct Soviet Union, China, Cuba, North Korea, and Eastern European Soviet satellite nations, according to political scientists Rudolph Rummel and Mark Bradley in their book, Death by Government.
I believed communism was a political scourge when I was actively fighting it in the 1960s, and I still believe it today.
That’s why it is bitterly disappointing to me (and perhaps to other military veterans) that the Democratic Party is now trying to elect two anti-American Marxists as president and vice president.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are the most radical leftists ever to run for the American presidency. In fact, they are quite possibly the first undeclared Marxists to do so.
Their records speak for themselves.
As a senator, Harris supported a litany of radical left causes and policies, including an open border and free healthcare for illegal migrants. She also supported and funded the Minnesota Freedom Fund that bailed out criminal rioters in 2020 who torched Minneapolis neighborhoods and looted dozens of stores. Once released, many of these violent criminals raped and murdered innocent civilians.
As San Francisco District Attorney, Harris declined to pursue the death penalty against a gang member who murdered San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinoza, and later, as California Attorney General, she pushed passage of controversial Proposition 47, a ballot measure passed by California voters in 2014 that reduced non-violent property crimes, where the value does not exceed $950, from felonies to misdemeanors. The result has been a prodigious statewide escalation in looting, smash & grab theft, and robbery.
As a U.S. Senator from California, Harris co-sponsored the extremist Green New Deal scam and continues to do so.
Walz is even further left of Harris, if that is indeed possible.
Former GOP Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty describes the Harris-Walz team this way:
“She (Harris) has sort of the San Francisco, California, vibe. He’s (Walz) going to have sort of the Bernie Sanders in-hunting-gear vibe. So, it’s the same product, just in different wrappers.”
For me and other veterans, the fact that Walz is guilty of stolen valor in his military service is especially troubling.

During a rant about eliminating so-called “assault weapons” a few years ago, Walz said Americans should not be allowed to have “the weapons of war that I carried in war.” There is a video of Walz saying it:
The problem is, during his time in the Minnesota National Guard, Walz was never in combat. In fact, when his unit was deployed to Afghanistan in 2005, Walz didn’t go with them. Instead, he resigned—a fact for which his fellow veterans of the 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery still refuse to forgive him.
“We served, and some of us died,” said Thomas Behrends, retired Command Sergeant Major (CSM) of the unit. “Walz didn’t. His political career was more important. He embellished his military record for political purposes.”
Walz has claimed that he retired as a Command Sergeant Major. That is also not true.
The Minnesota National Guard confirmed recently that Walz was demoted and did not retire as a command sergeant major as he has claimed for years, including on his official gubernatorial biography. While Walz temporarily held the title of Command Sergeant Najor, he “retired as a master sergeant in 2005 for benefit purposes because he did not complete additional coursework at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy,” Army Lt. Col. Kristen Augé, the Minnesota National Guard’s State Public Affairs Officer, told reporters.
“Walz saying he was in war is an example of stolen valor,” Behrends said. “And I am not the only one who knows it. Ninety-eight percent of our unit will tell you the same thing.”
The fact is, Walz lied about his military service, and he should be called out for his fabrications. Of course, given how dishonest the mainstream media are, this story, which for most people would be a political death knell, will likely be covered up or rationalized away.
If stolen valor isn’t enough to disqualify Walz as a vice-presidential candidate, his record as a rock-solid Marxist and socialist should. As governor, he has a record of appeasing criminals, encouraging illegal immigration, and driving up energy prices.
Walz is so far left that the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) was rapturous that Harris selected him as her running mate. The DSA issued the following statement:
“Harris choosing Walz as a running mate has shown the world that Democratic Socialists of America and our allies on the left are a force that cannot be ignored. Through collective action, DSA and the US left more broadly have made it clear that change is needed. DSA members organized in our workplaces and unions to realign the labor movement to support Palestinian liberation.”
After that ringing endorsement from the DSA, it will be difficult for Harris or her sycophants in the mendacious mainstream media to portray Walz as a “middle-of-the-road” liberal. Of course, you only need to look at Walz’s woeful record as governor of Minnesota to see he is no such thing.
During the George Floyd riots in 2020, Walz was careful not to upset far-left rioters. He let BLM rioters, arsonists, and looters rampage through his state. He allowed a mob of thugs to burn a police station to the ground in the middle of Minneapolis. As Minneapolis neighborhoods burned, Walz refused to create a coherent response to the violence and waited too long before calling up the National Guard to restore order.

Walz doesn’t hide his socialist beliefs. During a recent interview, Walz backed his socialist policies and equated socialism with modern American progressivism, stating, “But we can get out there, reach out, make the case. And for one thing, don’t ever shy away from our progressive values. One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”
I wonder why I wasn’t told that when I was in the U.S. Army, keeping watch on millions of communist troops poised to invade West Germany through Germany’s legendary Fulda Gap. Somebody forgot to tell me that those communist troops were our neighbors, not our enemies.
Walz’s incompetence as Minnesota governor is far-reaching. Not only has he supported making Minnesota a “sanctuary state,” he has signed legislation allowing migrants who have broken immigration laws to receive driver’s licenses, thereby making it easier for them to illegally vote in the 2024 election. In a CNN interview, Walz bragged that he would invest in ladders to help migrants climb the walls at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Walz also oversaw the largest theft of taxpayer money during the COVID-19 pandemic. He funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to a corrupt nonprofit organization called “Feeding Our Future” using COVID-19 bailout dollars. FBI Director Christopher Wray called it “the largest pandemic relief fraud scheme yet.”
According to reporting by the Washington Examiner, thieves running “Feeding Our Future” openly spent millions of dollars on luxury cars, houses, and jewelry. A state legislature audit revealed that Walz chose to ignore red flags and funneled more and more taxpayer money to his corrupt Democratic political allies.
Given that a Harris-Walz administration (God forbid) will follow the Biden crime family, major corruption in the White House will continue unabated as usual.
This past January, Walz faced vociferous criticism for approving a controversial redesign of the Minnesota state flag. Some opponents argue that the flag resembles the flags of Somalia and Puntland, a self-declared autonomous region in Somalia. Minnesota is home to the largest Somali community in the U.S., so it’s not difficult to see how Walz was sucking up to that population.

Now that Walz is Harris’s running mate, voters are being reminded that he set up a hotline during the COVID-19 pandemic that allowed state residents to report their neighbors and relatives for violating his draconian stay-at-home orders. Reports of neighbors playing basketball in parks, walking their dogs, hosting small gatherings, or holding forbidden church services flooded the hotline. Violators were jailed after Walz dispatched special “COVID-19” agents to arrest them.
Perhaps Walz learned that little trick from his 30-plus visits to Communist China and his ties with Chinese Communist Party cronies. Informing on disobedient neighbors and relatives is a way of life in the Marxist “utopia” that China has become.
Make no mistake. A Harris-Walz administration would undoubtedly be the first openly socialist government in U.S. history.

That would mean an undefended southern border. It would also mean some 20 million illegal migrants would be given immediate amnesty, free healthcare, and college tuition, all paid for by new taxes levied on vulnerable American citizens.
It would mean abandoning fossil fuel production and fracking, as is the case in Harris’s California and Walz’s Minnesota. Consumers would be hit with soaring energy prices that kill manufacturing jobs and make it harder for young people to start families and own homes.
In other words, the American dream will continue to become the American nightmare, and just as in every other socialist country on the planet, the masses will have to learn to live with less and follow orders—or else.
It certainly will not be the country I joined the U.S. Army to defend decades ago. It sounds more like those East European communist netherworlds I once monitored.
So, I will leave you with these two vital questions:
Do Americans really want to live in a communist cesspool ruled by Marxists? Or will we opt to reject the authoritarian socialists in favor of liberty?
We will know after November 5.
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