GOP RINOs Endorse Kackling Kamala Harris & Tampon Tim Walz

I am sorry to report that three prominent GOP RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) from my home state of Kansas have defected to the two Marxist Democrats who want to seize the White House on November 5th.

I feel compelled to apologize because I grew up in Kansas. In my long experience there, Kansans were typically logical, independent-minded folks who knew right from wrong and who loathed Marxists and their pathetic stepchild named Socialism.

But something is rotten in Kansas. Either that or Kansans like me aren’t in Kansas anymore. As it so happens, I am not in Kansas. Today, I live in California—a Marxist enclave alien to traditionally conservative Kansas. Why do I live in California? That’s a story for another time.

Right now, I am focused on the three Kansas turncoats who have joined two Wyoming RINOs in endorsing Kackling Kamala and Tampon Tim instead of Republican nominees Donald Trump and J.D. Vance.

Those Kansas RINOs include former Senator Nancy Kassebaum, the first woman to represent the Sunflower State in the Senate from 1978 to 1997. The others are ex-Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger and Deanell Reece Tacha, a retired federal judge appointed by Ronald Reagan.

Kassebaum is the daughter of the late Alf Landon, former Kansas governor and the Republican presidential candidate against Franklin Roosevelt in 1936. Good old Alf, an ardent conservative Republican, must be whirling in his tomb at his daughter’s defection.

      Former U.S. Senator from Kansas Nancy Kassebaum

The two Wyoming RINOs are former Former Rep. Liz Cheney, a malicious adversary of former President Trump, and her father, former GOP Vice President Dick Cheney, who Democrats once called “Darth Vader.”

Should we be surprised? Not at all.

These five RINOs epitomize the old GOP elitists who despise Donald Trump for turning the Republican Party into a provocative populist party of the working middle class.

This is not their fathers’ or their grandfathers’ Republican Party—the organization that was once an anti-labor party of financial tycoons and corporate monopolies.

These five RINOs and other like-minded Republicans should resign from today’s Republican Party and join the Marxists who control today’s Democrat Party. That’s where they belong.

Just as the Democrat Party is no longer the Democrat Party of JFK or even Bill Clinton, today’s Republican Party is not the button-down organization of Kansans Dwight Eisenhower or Bob Dole.

In their statement, the Kansas RINO trio confirmed that when they called the 2024 election “a stark choice that is not easy for any of us” because the Republican Party exemplified by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, longtime Kansas senator Bob Dole, and “generations of Kansas leaders” no longer exists within the Trump-era version of the GOP.

They are correct. Donald Trump is not a classic Republican politician. He is not a politician at all. He neither talks nor behaves like a politician and certainly not like the kind of elite Republican doyens Nancy Kasselbaum or Dick Cheney once hob-knobbed with inside the haughty Washington Beltway.

In the composed realm of traditional Republicanism, Trump is an intractable maverick—an outlier who does not bend to the will of the GOP old guard. They want a president they can control—a smooth-talker they can hold backroom chinwags with over vodka martinis and glasses of Chardonnay.

                            Trump: A Hard Hat kind of guy

That is NOT Donald Trump. For one thing, Trump does not drink alcohol. For another, he is not a docile man who Republican bosses can easily lead around by the nose.

The guy is a leader who talks like a hard-hat construction worker because those are the folks he has spent most of his life rubbing shoulders with as he has transformed the skyline of Manhattan during the past few decades.

During his rallies, Trump often sounds like a plain-speaking electrician, plumber, drywaller, or truck driver—not a silver-tongued Washington raconteur.

I say thank God for that! The guy is real! He’s not slick or polished. He speaks his mind openly and often–something traditional politicians are loathe to do. Ahem, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz come to mind.

Trump is the kind of guy who might be sitting next to you on a bar stool in a neighborhood watering hole, complaining about inflation, invading armies of criminal migrants, and irresponsible Democrat laws that allow minor children to undergo puberty-blocking treatment and irreversible gender-altering surgery without their parent’s consent.

That brings me to another component of the Kansas Rino’s rationale for endorsing Kamala and Walz.

“We fervently believe that we must do our part to try to build a brighter future, which is why we will be voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in this election,” the RINOs said in their announcement. “We believe they most closely align with the aspirations of Kansans and reflect our rich history of working together ‘to the stars through difficulty.’”

I object to these turncoats and quislings daring to speak for all Kansans. They certainly don’t speak for me or dozens, if not hundreds, of my Kansas friends and acquaintances. And since when has supporting two rabid socialists been the key to ‘building a brighter future?”

How these political defectors can support two Marxist candidates who are proven liars is beyond me.

Kamala is an unapologetic flip-flopper who is on record as saying she will ban fracking, defund the police, expand the Supreme Court, disband ICE, decriminalize illegal immigration, establish a federal job guarantee program, create a mandatory buy-back of AR-15 rifles and similar semi-automatic weapons, and establish a Medicare-for-all plan that would ban all private health insurance.

Video proof of her support for those positions is available on the Internet. Check it out. Of course, given the way Facebook, Google, Yahoo, and other leftwing news media platforms have constructed their search algorithms, you may play hell finding those videos today or anything else that puts Kackling Kamala or Tampon Tim in a negative light. Going ten or more pages deep into these social media sites might lead you to those videos and a spattering of critical stories about Harris and Walz. I have spent more time than I wanted doing just that.

Kackling Kamala: Will she be our first Marxist President?

Today, when asked about those inconvenient positions, Kackling Kamala simply shrugs, smirks, and asks, “Who me? Those are not my positions today.”

She’s right; they aren’t her positions NOW during her frenzied dash to the presidency, but you can bet the farm they will be once again IF Americans are foolish enough to elect her.

While I am disappointed in those RINOs who have defected to the Democrats in this election, I am heartened by the number of enlightened disenchanted Democrats who have jumped on the Trump train.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump at a rally together.
                    RFK Jr. Endorsing Trump

Former Democrat Representative Tulsi Gabbard, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., former Democrat Representative Ruben Diaz Sr., Samuel D. Thompson, a member of the New Jersey Senate, and Amer Ghalib, the Democrat mayor of Hamtramck, Michigan, the only Muslim-run city in America, to name just a handful, have all endorsed Trump.

Thousands of other Democrats, distressed at how far left their party has moved in the past couple of decades, have also decided to vote for Trump and other Republicans on the down-ballot.

“My father and grandfather were hardcore Democrats, and so was I until a few years ago,” a female follower of this blog emailed me a week ago. “It is disturbing to see how socialists and Marxists have gained control of the Democrat Party. My grandfather fought against communism during the Korean War, and my dad fought communists in Vietnam. They are both gone now, but if they were still here, they would be appalled at what has happened to the Democrat Party. So am I. Therefore, I will vote Republican up and down the ballot for the first time in my life on November 5.”

She is not alone. Judging from the political polling, I suspect millions of other Democrats feel the same way about the party they have faithfully supported.

Nevertheless, it is sad to see RINOs abandoning the Republican Party at a time when our nation is being led toward economic, social, and political disaster by a cadre of Marxist puppet masters who hate America and the values that have sustained it and made it exceptional in the pantheon of the world’s most democratic and prosperous nations.

America is at the precipice of collapse. On November 5, voters (hopefully only American citizens) will decide whether we go over the edge or pull back.

Despite the deluded GOP RINOs, I hope clear-thinking Kansans and their American brethren will choose to save our nation from obliteration.

I hope common-sense and rational Kansans will ignore the defection of a handful of imprudent RINOs and cast their vote on November 5th for freedom and democracy rather than four more years of Democratic Party tyranny, lawfare, and subjugation.

When they cast their votes, I hope they will consider the Bill of Rights and critical principles our founding fathers in their infinite wisdom ingrained in our Constitution, such as the First and Second Amendments, which guarantee freedom of expression and the right to bear arms.

I hope they will remember that the Second Amendment is critical to preserving the First Amendment and that Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and their socialist Democrat sycophants would love to constrain, if not eliminate, both.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed, but I’m not holding my breath.


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