The Lost Years of Billy Battles wins New York City Big Book Award

I am honored to announce that The Lost Years of Billy Battles has won an NYC Big Book Award.

Here is the Press Release announcing the award.


Author wins national recognition with the NEW YORK CITY BIG BOOK AWARD®!

The NYC BIG BOOK AWARD has recognized The Lost Years of Billy Battles by Ronald E. Yates as the Winner in the category of Historical Fiction.

Experts from different book industry disciplines judge the competition, including publishers, writers, editors, book cover designers, and professional copywriters. Selected award winners and distinguished favorites are based on overall excellence.

In 2020, the NYC Big Book Award once again achieved worldwide participation.  Entries remained strong during the worldwide pandemic. Book submissions streamed in from six continents and over 100 cities. Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America all participated.  Across the globe, book entries poured in from places such as Budapest, Capetown, London, Los Angeles, Mumbai, New York City, Port of Spain, Vancouver, and Victoria, to name a few.  Winners were recognized globally from Australia, Canada, England, India, Singapore, Uganda, and the United States of America, among other nations.

The breadth of publishers ranged from Amazon to Wiley, from Black Rose Writing to She Writes Press.  Our award-winning authors are from all kinds of different backgrounds and enrich the program.  We are proud of such diversity of winners and distinguished favorites in the annual NYC Big Book Award.

“We are pleased to highlight these books, recognize their excellence, and share their achievements,” said awards sponsor Gabrielle Olczak.  The awards program “foments a strong interest in these authors and publishing houses, and we expect our winners and favorites to receive a heightened level of attention.”  Olczak went on to say that “excellent books can be found globally, and we are happy to help bring them to a larger audience.”

Here is a short synopsis of The Lost Years of Billy Battles, Book 3 of the Finding Billy Battles Trilogy.

The year is 1914, and the world is in turmoil. In Europe, the Great War is raging. In Asia, fierce insurgencies are in progress against the colonial powers of Europe. In Mexico, a bloody revolution is ripping that nation to shreds and threatening to spill over into Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.

Meanwhile, in Chicago, Billy Battles and his wife, the former Baroness Katharina von Schreiber, have managed to live an uncommonly sedate life for almost ten years. But, with one telephone call, their tranquil world is shattered when they agree to a secret assignment in Veracruz, Mexico.

In Veracruz, Katharina and Billy embark on a succession of wild adventures that will alter their lives for all time. Their new and violent world is one brimming with miscreants, secret agents, treachery, and tragedy. But most importantly, it triggers Billy’s mysterious decades-long disappearance. Where is he? What happened? The answers are in The Lost Years of Billy Battles, Book 3 of the award-winning Finding Billy Battles trilogy.

For more information, please visit  To view the list of winners, visit; Distinguished Favorites listed here:
