A Message to ForeignCorrespondent Subscribers, Friends, and Visitors

Dear subscribers and friends of ForeignCorrespondent,

Some of you may have already seen this message, and if you have, we apologize for the recurrence. But we want to make sure you are receiving the full range of benefits by creating a free subscriber account with ForeignCorrespondent.

There have been a few changes to our blog in the past few weeks. Here’s what has happened.

We have simplified the method by which you can comment on posts. In the past, you were required to comment through the Facebook interface. That is no longer the case.

Now, all you have to do is register by creating a free account. You do that by clicking on the red “Create a Free Account”  link at the bottom of every post, such as this one.

This is a ONE TIME exercise. Once you have created an account, you are automatically registered as a subscriber/member of the growing ForeignCorrespondent community and can comment quickly and easily. After creating a free account, you will receive two emails—one welcoming you to ForeignCorrespondent and a second one asking you to verify your email address.

Once your email address is confirmed, you will receive a third email confirming that. You can then log in to ForeignCorrespondent using your newly created login and password. NOTE: Watch for these emails, and if you don’t see them in your inbox, please check your spam folder. Also, you may want to refresh or clear your cache, especially if you’ve visited ForeignCorrespondent before these changes.

The folks who administer ForeignCorrespondent and keep it running smoothly created a short silent video demonstrating the sign-up process. When you click on the link, you will see a sample email inbox on the left of the screen. On the right side of the screen, you will see the ForeignCorrespondent website. The video shows you in real-time how to create an account and what happens next.


Finally, if you go to the main page of the ronaldyatesbooks.com website, in addition to a couple of book trailers, you will see under the heading “The Latest From My Blog” short previews of twelve of our most recent blog posts. Just click on any of these, and it will take you to the ForeignCorrespondent Blog page, where you can read the post you ticked.

That’s it. It may seem complicated, but really it isn’t. This process makes commenting much easier while protecting the site (and you) from hackers, spammers, bots, and other attacks.

IMPORTANT! We welcome ALL COMMENTS and DISCUSSIONS. Unlike Big Tech and their censor-happy social media tyrants, ForeignCorrespondent is a blog that encourages the exchange of ideas and opinions–the more, the better. So don’t be shy. Let it fly.

And as always, please feel free to share any of our posts or content with your friends or the public.


Ron Yates


1 thought on “A Message to ForeignCorrespondent Subscribers, Friends, and Visitors”

  1. Glad to see the Comments Section working again. BTW, yesterday’s Flashman article still does not have a comment box. Best regards, jcn


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