Three Race-Hustling Queens & Their Woke Racism

Question: What do Cori Bush, Fani Willis, and Stacy Abrams have in common?

If you answered that they are all well-known black Democrat women who are under investigation by the Department of Justice, have been subpoenaed by the House Judiciary Committee, or have come under scrutiny for misconduct and ethics violations, you would be only partially correct.

Yes, the three Democrats are subjects of inquiries for alleged mishandling of federal campaign funds, misconduct, and ethics violations.

For example, Rep. Cory Bush of Missouri is under investigation by the DOJ for possible misuse of campaign funds on security services, including payments made to her now-husband, Cortney Merritts, who was once her security guard.

                            Cori Bush

Failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is under scrutiny by the media and an ethics watchdog group that alleges “Fair Fight Action,” a group Abrams founded to combat alleged voter suppression in Georgia, violated federal law by promoting Abrams’ political career instead of its stated mission of protecting voting rights. Despite raising more than $100 million from 2018-2020, “Fair Fight” is now $2.5 million in debt and announced that it will lay off 75% of its staff, meaning 20 people. What happened to all that money?

                                    Stacy Abrams

Last but not least, Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis has been subpoenaed to testify in an upcoming House Judiciary Committee hearing over allegations that her affair with special prosecutor Nathan Wade resulted in the misuse of some $488,000 in federal funds that includes, among other things, the purchase of Macbooks, clothes, and luxury vacations. As a result, Willis’s prosecution of former president Donald Trump has been compromised, and her self-proclaimed “grand slam racketeering indictment” against the former president is in danger of collapsing.

Fani Willis

But the one trait that truly yokes the three queens is that they are unrepentant race hustlers. When criticized or accused of malfeasance or fraud—as each has been recently—their response has been to declare that the charges are racially motivated.

The three queens are joined at that hip on that point.

“I am tired of being treated cruelly,” Willis said, speaking at the Big Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church. “They call me the N-word more than they call me Fani.”

Bush, who is also a member of the pro-Hamas and anti-Semitic “Squad” in the House and former Black Lives Matter organizer, has called the DOJ investigation “racism at its best.”

“America has stumbled time and again on its quest towards justice and equality, including in its ability to address racism,” Abrams has said. “Americans must hold everyone from the very highest offices to our own families accountable for racist words and deeds.”

Yet, despite living in an apparently racist country, all three queens have managed to achieve personal and professional success.

I wonder how they did it. After all, with such fecund institutional racism sweeping America, it seems improbable that three black women could achieve any kind of success at all.

How did they do it? How did they overcome the systemic racism each insists characterizes our nation?

When I hear these three queens decry racism at every turn, I can’t help but feel they are hypocrites.

President Abraham Lincoln once described a hypocrite as “the man who murdered his own parents and then pleaded for mercy on the grounds that he was an orphan.”

That definition seems apropos when I hear the three queens griping about systemic racism rather than taking responsibility for the activities that have brought them under official scrutiny.

“It turns out Cori Bush and other members of ‘The Squad’ aren’t the progressive revolutionaries they claim to be,” Ted Harvey, chairman of the Committee to Defeat the President, said recently. “They’re just run-of-the-mill Beltway grifters. Cori Bush is lining her family’s pockets at the expense of taxpayers and donors, breaking local and federal laws in the process. She either paid her ex-lover and now-husband to perform illegal work or just paid him meretriciously. But, either way, she broke the law and fumbled the cover-up.”

The fact is, Bush and her fellow race-baiting queens are members of the woke left that judges people based on the color of their skin and reserves special loathing for fellow minorities who don’t embrace their woke ideology. It’s the left’s own exercise of racism.

The only difference between white supremacists and the woke Left is that the woke Left conceals its racism under cover of amiable words such as “diversity, “equity,” “inclusion,” “social justice,” and unsurprisingly, “anti-racism.”

Today’s woke racism infects corporate America and institutions of higher learning like nothing I have seen in my lifetime. Employees, faculty, and students are being indoctrinated with woke racism that is deftly disguised as “diversity training.”

How prevalent is it? A couple of years ago, employees at Coca-Cola were required to take a diversity training course that suggested they be “less white” and “less oppressive.” The company pulled the training after an internal whistleblower exposed it, but there’s no doubt many American workers are still subject to similar caustic training throughout corporate America.


Woke racism is especially rampant in colleges and universities that have created racially segregated dorms and have even organized separate graduation ceremonies for students of different races and identities. Didn’t we end official segregation 60 years ago?

But the most harmful effects of woke racism occur in our schools, where children as young as five are indoctrinated with critical race theory—a deeply flawed notion that posits that a child’s skin color, not its inherent abilities, will determine his or her future. Children learn that white people are oppressors who rule the nation while oppressing minorities.

The dictionary defines racism as policies and practices that “result in and support an unfair advantage to some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on race.”

Because Leftists control the levers of government, big corporations, the news and entertainment media, and education, their brand of woke racism is a systemic issue that seeks to perpetuate an America that is racially divided and inequitable.

It’s as if we are caught in a time warp, and we have been thrust back into the 1920s and 1930s when segregation was the norm and race was what defined us.

The race hustler queens have not only bought into that idea, they are spreading it.

Welcome to the past.


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About Ronald E. Yates

Ronald E. Yates is an award-winning author of historical fiction and action/adventure novels, including the popular and highly-acclaimed Finding Billy Battles trilogy. Read More About Ron Here

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