In case anybody in Washington is interested—and that includes our feckless, unwitting president—China is at war with America.
Contrary to what many in the corporate and diplomatic worlds tell us, China is NOT our friend. Nor are they some benign but tough commercial competitor.
Instead, China’s ruling Chinese Communist Party is out to destroy America, its people, and everything most of us believe in, such as the freedoms we take for granted and the democratic republic that safeguards them.
Chinese President Xi Jinping’s goal is to replace the United States as the world’s sole superpower, and a key to that goal is building up China’s military strength. The People’s Liberation Army has been rapidly expanding both conventional and nuclear forces in preparation for a future confrontation with the United States. And by the way, the Chinese Navy is now larger than America’s.

Americans need to realize that we are, in fact, already at war with China. It may not be ‘war’ by traditional American standards, but it is to the People’s Republic of China.
If you don’t believe it, here’s why you should.
Not only have some 40,000 to 50,000 Chinese (mostly men of military age between 18 and 35) entered our nation illegally since Joe Biden has squatted in the White House, but China has blatantly and maliciously provided the deadly fentanyl with which the Mexican cartels have flooded our nation, killing some 100,000 Americans each year during the compromised Biden presidency.
Those 300,000 to 400,000 dead Americans are the direct casualties in China’s undeclared war on America.
To put those fatalities in perspective, during the four years America was engaged in World War II, 419,000 Americans were killed.
The fact is that China has established a lethal beachhead in America, and most Americans are oblivious to it.
And what does Joe Biden do about it? He makes sure our exposed borders remain open and NEVER calls out the Chinese about the fentanyl they are producing to kill Americans.
Thanks, Joe. We all know how compromised you and your family are when it comes to China.
And what about those thousands of military-age Chinese men who have entered America illegally? What are they up to? We have no idea where they are, but I suspect they are ensconced near potential targets such as military bases, power plants, hospitals, water filtration plants and reservoirs, bridges, missile sites, dams, airports, railway stations, and other locations critical to our defense and survival.
It’s conceivable they are awaiting orders from Beijing to spring into action. When they do, we may see dozens, if not hundreds, of coordinated sabotage strikes on our vulnerable infrastructure.
While classic sabotage is the most obvious scenario in China’s war on America, other surreptitious tactics and strategies are also in play.
For example, federal authorities say there is growing evidence that China is funding some of the demonstrations taking place on dozens of college campuses in a concerted effort to destabilize American society and create divisions between its people.
According to the FBI and the U.S. Trade Representative’s office, China is also engaged in unprecedented intellectual property theft.
Officials from both agencies say China is stealing secrets in various sectors, from quantum technology and robotics to biotechnology and artificial intelligence.
“China has long targeted businesses with a web of techniques all at once: cyber intrusions, human intelligence operations, seemingly innocuous corporate investments and transactions,” FBI director Chris Wray has told the House Intelligence Committee. “Every strand of that web has become more brazen and more dangerous.”
The USTR, citing customs data, said that of all counterfeit and pirated goods seized by U.S. authorities in the fiscal year, China and Hong Kong accounted for more than 83 percent of the value measured by manufacturers’ suggested retail price.
“China’s e-commerce markets, the largest in the world, remain a source of widespread counterfeits as infringing sales have migrated from physical to online markets,” the USTR said in an annual review of the global state of intellectual property protection.
However, not all of China’s attacks on the U.S. are clandestine.
For example, China has plans to employ millions of American workers and dominate thousands of small communities all over the United States by acquiring American businesses.
Chinese acquisition of US businesses set a new all-time record last year, and it is on pace to shatter that record this year.
Here are just a few examples:
- AMC Entertainment. The Chinese company Dalian Wanda Group spent $2.6 billion to purchase AMC Entertainment, one of the largest movie theater chains in the United States. Chinese companies now control more movie ticket sales than anyone else in the world.
- Smithfield Foods. Virginia-based Smithfield Foods is the largest pork producer and processor in the world. It has facilities in 26 US states, and it employs tens of thousands of Americans. It directly owns 460 farms and has contracts with about 2,100 others. However, a Chinese company, Shuanghui International Holdings Ltd., bought Smithfield for $7.1 billion, which means that the Chinese are now the most important employers in dozens of rural communities.

- Motorola Mobility. The mobile device division of Motorola, once synonymous with American innovation in telecommunications, was purchased by the Chinese technology giant Lenovo in 2014 for $3.1 billion.
- Ingram Micro. One of the world’s largest distributors of computer and technology products, Ingram Micro, was acquired for $6.3 billion by Tianjin Tianhai Investment, a part of HNA Group of China, in 2016.
- The Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Anbang Insurance Group, the buyer of this iconic Manhattan hotel, was unknown in 2014 when it paid nearly $2 billion for the establishment. But it has since become a more common name to investors, buying U.S. insurer Fidelity & Guaranty Life last fall.
- General Electric Appliances. Once part of the quintessential American brand General Electric, GE Appliances is now owned by Haier, a Chinese conglomerate known for its consumer electronics and home appliances. Haier acquired the business in 2016 for $5.4 billion.
- Starwood Hotels. Last week, Starwood Hotels agreed to be acquired by Anbang for $13 billion. Marriott, which had previously made a deal to buy Starwood, is reportedly considering a counterbid. But it’s unlikely that Marriott will be able to win a bidding war with the Chinese insurer, which was originally bankrolled by state-owned (i.e., Chinese Communist Party) enterprises and possesses a colossal war chest of cash.
In addition to those acquisitions, China is intent on acquiring energy resources in the United States and is mining for coal in the mountains of Tennessee. Guizhou Gouchuang Energy Holdings Group spent $616 million to acquire Triple H Coal Co. in Jacksboro, Tennessee.
At the time, that acquisition didn’t make much news, but recently, a group of people in Tennessee is trying to stop the Chinese from blowing up their mountains and taking their coal.
So far this year, China has spent some $103 billion on acquisitions of foreign firms—not just in the U.S. That’s nearly as much in four months as the $107 billion that Chinese firms spent on foreign purchases all of last year, which itself was a record.
Is anybody watching? Does anybody care?
Apparently not.
China’s tantalizing multi-billion dollar consumer market has blinded and seduced American businesses and investors.
They argue, as does Joe Biden, that China is simply a “friendly” competitor.
I disagree. China is NOT our friend. Neither are they a “friendly” competitor.
China is a rapacious, acquisitive adversary whose stated purpose is to overtake and dominate the United States economically, politically, and militarily.
It is well on the way to doing all of those things.
What too many American business and political leaders don’t realize—or perhaps choose to ignore—is that they are often not doing business with or negotiating with independent Chinese companies. They are dealing with the Chinese Communist Party.
In fact, there is little difference between the Chinese government and “Chinese corporations.”
Last year, 55 percent of all profits in China were produced by companies in which the Chinese government had a controlling interest.
So when Secretary of State Antony Blinken was dispatched to China last week to urge China to provide a level playing field for American businesses and resolve a bundle of other contentious issues, including the future of Artificial Intelligence, his Chinese counterparts were unmoved if not completely indifferent.
Why? China is arguing from a position of strength, while the U.S. argues from a position of weakness, made all the more feeble and vulnerable by its unsustainable $34 trillion national debt–$860 billion of which China owns. (Japan is our largest foreign creditor with $1.1 trillion, or about 3 percent of total U.S. debt. Together, Japan and China own almost 6 percent of U.S. debt).
The result was the pathetic spectacle of Blinken groveling before China’s Ruler-for-Life Xi Jinping and asking for a new set of protocols to govern the development of artificial intelligence between America and China—the two nations that are contributing the most to both the advancement of AI and its weaponization.
Essentially, Blinken promised the Chinese that America would unilaterally agree to limit its AI activities if China did the same. Negotiations are scheduled to continue during the next several weeks as American and Chinese experts in the AI field take over the talks.
Don’t expect the U.S. to come out on top.
Just look at the U.S. trade deficit with China. In 2022, the US goods and services trade deficit with China was $367.4 billion.
The good news is that the deficit actually shrank to $279 billion in 2023 as American businesses shifted towards regionalization and diversification of supply chains, with many companies seeking to reduce their dependence on China. That diversification has led to a more balanced trade relationship between the US and China. It’s about time.
But there is more bad news than good for America when it comes to China.
- China has more foreign currency reserves than anyone else on the planet.
- China now has the largest new car market in the world.
- China now produces more than twice as many automobiles as the United States.
- China is the number one gold producer in the world.
- China now consumes more energy than the United States.
- China is now, in aggregate, the leading manufacturer of goods in the entire world.
- China uses more cement than the rest of the world combined.
- China is now the number one producer of wind and solar power on earth.
- China produces 3 times as much coal and 11 times as much steel as the United States.
- China produces over 90 percent of the global supply of rare earth elements, which are critical components for electric vehicle batteries and other systems.
- China is now the number one supplier of components essential to the operation of any national defense system.
- China will soon become number one in published scientific research articles worldwide.
As for America? Well, don’t worry. We are still number one in:
- The number of lawyers per capita. (God help us!)
- The cost of education per student. (Look at all those well-indoctrinated pro-Hamas and anti-Semitic protestors on our college campuses. Money well spent, right?)
- Government inefficiency (The Government Accountability Office has identified 38 government programs as wasteful & requiring reform. What? Only 38?)
- The unrestricted growth in national debt. ($34 trillion and climbing, but can you say $50 trillion?)
Meanwhile, China’s undeclared war with America continues unabated, and Americans remain blissfully oblivious.
What will it take for our leaders to wake up and recognize the threat China poses?
Perhaps a few more spy balloons flying over American military installations and further provocations against U.S. Navy ships on the high seas?
Or perhaps a Chinese military attack on Taiwan will do it.
But given how anesthetized the Biden regime is regarding China, I am not holding my breath.
I will say it again. China is NOT our friend.
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