The Demise of The Boy Scouts of America

The Boy Scouts of America are no more.

In a total surrender to the cult of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, the woke kingpins who control that organization decided this week to take the “Boy” out of Boy Scouts and change its name to “Scouting America.”

Roger A. Krone, president and chief executive officer of Scouting America, said, “Though our name will be new, our mission remains unchanged: we are committed to teaching young people to be Prepared for life. This will be a simple but important evolution as we seek to ensure everyone feels welcome in Scouting.”

It’s the organization’s first rebranding in 114 years, and as you might expect, the reaction has been swift and unenthusiastic.

By dropping the gender portion of its name, its leaders say they want to be more inclusive.

More inclusive? The organization began allowing gay youth in 2013 and ended a blanket ban on gay adult leaders in 2015. In 2017, it made the historic announcement that girls would be accepted as Cub Scouts as of 2018 and into the flagship Boy Scout program — renamed Scouts BSA — in 2019. More than 6,000 girls have now achieved the vaunted Eagle Scout rank.

How much more inclusive can you get? So why the name change?

Unsurprisingly, the Girl Scouts of America are not thrilled that the Boy Scouts of America will soon be known by the gender-free and rather bland appellation of “Scouting America.”

“We are, and will remain, the first choice for girls and parents who want to provide their girls opportunities to build new skills, explore STEM and the outdoors, participate in community projects, and grow into happy, successful, civically engaged adults,” Girl Scouts CEO Sylvia Acevedo, said.

The Girl Scouts accused the Scouting America organization of seeking to “upend a paradigm that has served both boys and girls so well through the years by moving forward with a plan that would result in fundamentally undercutting Girl Scouts of the USA.”

I think the GSA has a point.

The BSA rebranding effort comes after the organization last year emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy and, in 2021, agreed to an $850 million settlement with tens of thousands of former members who said they were sexually abused while participating in scouting activities.

All I can say is that this is NOT the Boy Scout organization to which I belonged when I achieved the “Star Scout” rank, two levels below Eagle Scout.

The only thing “woke” about my BSA Troop 93 was how we felt after a night in pup tents on a camping trip in the Kansas wilderness. We equated wokeness with being awake in the morning and nothing else.

Girls in Troop 93? Are you kidding? And if anybody was gay, it wasn’t something anybody talked about. Why would we? A person’s sexual orientation back then was not an obsession the way it is today.

We were too busy earning some of the 139 merit badges in subjects such as first aid, camping, hiking, forestry, mammal study, geology, lifesaving, signs, signals, and codes, and even journalism so we could move up the ranks toward Eagle Scout.

I never got that far. Like many of my friends, as we grew older, we were focused more on high school athletics than scouting. Of course, today, when I look back on it, I wish I had remained in scouting and achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.

But your priorities change when you are a teenager with a newly minted driver’s license and your own souped-up hot rod. Cruising through drive-in restaurants or drag racing seemed more important than earning a merit badge in wood carving or archery.

Yet, when I look back, I can see the value of scouting. Take a look at the Boy Scout Oath. It reads:

On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.”

 Now, take a look at the Boy Scout Law. It reads:

“A Scout is Trustworthy, loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.”

I don’t notice anything about DEI or embracing wokeness in the oath or law.

Instead, I see those ideals the Boy Scouts of America once strived to instill in all its 1.2 million youth members and 477,000 adult volunteers serving in local councils nationwide. These members comprise 122,582 local Scout troops that annually log more than 34 million hours of community service.

(U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Aaron Berogan/Released)

What parent would not want their son to be in an organization that emphasizes such behavior?

Ditto for parents of girls who join the Girl Scouts—an organization that may have to fight like hell to survive in America’s new bewildering transgender and gender-free milieu.

When the Boy Scouts movement was founded in Great Britain in 1908, the idea was to develop boys’ good citizenship, chivalrous behavior, and skills in various outdoor activities. By 1910 Boy Scout troops were founded in America, Sweden, Mexico, Australia, and South Africa. Today, scouting is just about everywhere on the planet and boasts some 57 million members—though few, if any, have opted to go woke like their American brethren.

Since 1910, Boy Scouts of America has had more than 130 million members and more than 2.75 million who have achieved the highest rank of Eagle Scout.

So why the name change? That’s what thousands of dismayed parents, scouts, and former scouts like me are asking. Why spoil a good thing in the name of a perfidious Marxist concept such as DEI?

The Boy Scouts of America was started as a private, members-only organization—and it still is—even with the woke name change and its bizarre capitulation to gender neutrality.

The other day, someone calling himself only “The Dad” sent me an email slamming the name change and the organization’s ludicrous adoption of DEI nonsense. What he (or perhaps she) wrote made a lot of sense. Take a look:

“If you want to start a club, shouldn’t you be allowed to decide who the members are? It’s your club. You started it. Why should I be forced to admit Broncos or Raider fans if I start a Kansas City Chiefs fan club? And why in the heck would they want to join anyway? Start your own club.

“If you start a club for bald people, why would you want people with long flowing locks to join?

“If you start a club to teach boys skills for life that you think are important, why should you be forced to allow people who hate your values to join and become leaders in your organization? It makes no sense.

“If you disagree with the Boy Scouts, start your own club! The Scouts have worked hard for many years to create their organization, and you have no right to move in and try to take it over. If you think your idea of what scouting should be is so much better, start your own organization and see how many people leave the Scouts to join your group.”

That advice deserves a Boy Scout salute.


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About Ronald E. Yates

Ronald E. Yates is an award-winning author of historical fiction and action/adventure novels, including the popular and highly-acclaimed Finding Billy Battles trilogy. Read More About Ron Here

2 thoughts on “The Demise of The Boy Scouts of America”

  1. While serving in the Calif State Assembly, I had a front row seat to this battle. The Dems were trying to pass a bill that would force the Scouts to hire homosexual scout leaders. They were ultimately successful but I had the hardest time trying to persuade the Scout leadership — who were meeting with me in my office — to effectively fight this bill. They constantly wanted to compromise. Fast forward 25 years and the decision to compromise with the left has created the conditions that have led to over 700 lawsuits by parents whose sons were molested by scout leaders. They reason why the Scouts have filed for bankruptcy is because they are unable to afford the massive legal fees. Had they stuck with their original argument that as a private group, they have right to establish their own standards, they might still be viable. But they aren’t. They will soon disappear due to many other compromises, such as allowing girls and their decision to promote the liberal political agenda. They are no longer training boys to be men. The good news is that there are several alternatives to the Boy Scouts organized by various conservative groups and churches.

    • It’s hard to believe that the BSA has gone fully woke. They should call themselves the “Young Pioneers,” after the old Soviet and East German organizations. A sad state of affairs. I wonder how long the Girl Scouts will hang on after this travesty.


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