Do Big Conservative Victories in Europe Foreshadow the U. S. Presidential Election?

It used to be said that when the United States coughed, Europe caught a cold.

Times have changed.

In recent European Parliament elections, millions of Europeans cast their ballots across 27 countries, and Europe’s conservatives won big.

Very big.

It was MEGA, as in “Make Europe Great Again,” big.

This time, Europe coughed, and the United States may be about to catch a conservative cold.

“I would describe the election results over the weekend as nothing short of a political revolution within Europe—a firm rejection of socialist ruling elites,” said Nile Gardiner, director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom at The Heritage Foundation, during a podcast with The Daily Signal.

Gardiner is right. And I believe millions of American voters, fed up with the Biden administration’s agenda to turn the U.S. into a socialist cesspool, will follow suit In November and throw Joe Biden and his writhing nest of socialist comrades out of the White House.

What exactly did European voters say with their votes? They emphatically rejected mass migration—particularly illegal immigration—and vociferously rejected the open-borders mindset that has been dominant in Europe for the past few decades.

European voters said, “Enough is enough. We are losing our culture to destitute, uneducated migrants from Africa, the Middle East, and Asia who are unable or unwilling to assimilate and who are a strain on taxpayers and our economies.”

Without a doubt, a majority of American voters feel the same way, given that illegal immigration and Joe Biden’s open border policy ranks as the number one issue in most voter polls.

The vote in Europe demonstrated that voters there are concerned about rising crime committed by illegal migrants in just about every country. They’re also concerned about the Islamification of their countries—a major issue in countries such as France, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Italy, where Christian cathedrals and churches are being converted into Islamic Mosques and Sharia law is supplanting national law. There has also been a major uptick in violent migrant crime, such as knife attacks, robbery, and rape, in nations like Sweden and Germany, where such offenses were once rare.

  European voters move to the right. (Pixabay)

The election results also rejected net-zero policies, including the far left’s green environmental agenda, which many in Europe view as fundamentally destructive of economic growth and job creation.

The European Parliamentary election is part of a unique experiment. European voters were electing members of the world’s only functioning trans-national parliament in which MEPs from different countries come together in blocs according to their political ideologies.

Nearly 400 million citizens in the European Union’s 27 member states had the opportunity to elect 750 members to the European Parliament (EP). Centrist parties will likely retain the majority with over 400 seats, but they were left reeling from the projected losses, worse than last year’s elections. An initial exit poll published by the European Parliament showed a clear shift to the right, with hard-right groups adding seats and the center-right European People’s Party also set to gain.


The parliament is the only directly elected EU institution, and it is less powerful than most national parliaments. EU policy is directed by the Council of Ministers, which consists of elected leaders from individual member states.

The European Commission, an appointed bureaucracy, then brings plans and policies forward to member nations. The parliament debates, amends, and passes proposals into law and oversees the Commission’s budget, actions, and appointments from current president Ursula von der Leyen.

So, you might argue that electing representatives to the European Parliament is largely a symbolic exercise. However, that would be a mistake.

If nothing else, the election serves as a valid barometer of the political temperature in individual nations. For example, right-wing parties excelled, particularly in France and Germany.

French President Emmanuel Macron’s party, the liberal-leaning Renaissance Party, suffered a surprising defeat to the National Rally Party in the elections, prompting Macron to dissolve the National Assembly and call for snap elections.

Marine Le Pen, head of the National Rally Party, said she was “ready to turn the country around” after the victory over the weekend.

     France’s Marine Le Pen (AP )

“We’re ready for it. After the legislative elections of 2022, which designated the National Rally Party as the main parliamentary opponent, these European elections confirm our movement as the major force for change in France,” Le Pen told a crowd of supporters in Paris.

In Germany, the right-wing Alternative for Germany Party (AfD) trounced German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s left-wing Social Democrat party, which won only 14% of the vote. With the AfD’s strong showing (16 percent), the center-right Union bloc, now the main opposition force to Scholz’s leftist coalition government, is projected to win around 30 percent—second place ahead of the Green Party. The Greens gained only 12% of the vote compared to 20% five years ago.

Right-wing parties also emerged as the dominant force in Belgium’s general elections on Sunday. The right-wing New Flemish Alliance (NV-A) maintained its leading position, securing 22% of the votes.

Can Biden’s Democrat-socialist minions hear the coughing in Europe? You bet.

Here in the United States, we’ve seen more than 10 million illegal migrants invade the  U.S. with Joe Biden’s blessing. We’ve also seen the Biden administration advancing an extreme left-wing environmentalist agenda, which is hugely costly to the U.S. economy.

European voters just rejected the same agenda as well as the far-left woke ideology that left-wing elites have pushed in Europe for the last couple of decades.

They have turned against far-left domination, and American voters are poised to reject the most left-wing presidency in American history—one that is causing immense damage to the United States at home and abroad.

What is happening in Europe today is not happening in a vacuum. It will impact the United States—like Brexit did in 2016 when voters in the U.K. chose to leave the European Union. Americans learned then that what happens in Europe matters and that developments across the Atlantic should not be ignored.

Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, may have hit the nail on the head when she spoke with reporters after the E.U. elections.

Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission (AP)

“The world around us is in turmoil. Forces from the outside and the inside are trying to destabilize our societies, and they are trying to weaken Europe. We will never let that happen. These election results show that most Europeans want a strong and traditional Europe that reflects European values.”

Von der Leyen could have been talking about American voters.

Polls show that millions of them oppose the Biden administration’s stated goal of transforming the racial, ethnic, political, and religious character of America by allowing more than 10 million illegal migrants and an unknown number of potential terrorists to invade America since 2021.

A majority of Europeans have spoken vociferously when it comes to preserving their national identities and culture while rejecting mass migration and the unwelcome transformation of their nations.

It remains to be seen if Americans will do the same in November.

Catching this European “cold” may be the key to preserving our nation.


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