Did Joe Biden’s Inflammatory Comments Inspire Failed Assassin?

The man can’t help himself. Even after an assassin almost gunned down his number one opponent, Joe Biden doubled down on his insistence that Donald Trump is a threat to American democracy.

During an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, Biden admitted grudgingly that he made a mistake when he commented about putting Trump “in a bull’s eye” a few days before a gunman narrowly missed killing the former president.

However, it was a vacuous mea culpa. Because as soon as he said it, Biden was on the attack again:

“I mean, there’s a whole range of things that, look, I’m not the guy that said I want to be a dictator on day one,” Biden argued. “I’m not the guy that refused to accept the outcome of the election. You can’t only love your country when you win, so the focus was on what he’s saying, and I mean the idea,” Biden added, noting he also didn’t say “crosshairs.”

Right. You didn’t say “crosshairs,” Joe. So, does that mean you should be forgiven for the hateful statements you have made about Trump in the past?

For example, here are some things that you did say, Joe, and continue to say about Donald Trump:

“Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation. He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He’s literally a threat to everything America stands for.”

Not incendiary enough? How about an American president calling his opponent a Nazi?

Speaking at a fundraiser in San Francisco in 2023, Biden said: “In just the last few days, Trump has said, if he returns to office, he’s going to go after all those who oppose him and wipe out what he called the vermin, quote, the vermin in America – a specific phrase with a specific meaning. It echoes language you heard in Nazi Germany in the ’30s.”

If comparing the former president to Nazis isn’t an attempt to generate hatred and loathing for Trump, then perhaps some of Biden’s other odious comments are.

Standing outside Philadelphia’s Independence Hall in September 2022 and during numerous other more recent speeches and comments, Biden has declared that Trump and his Make America Great Again (MAGA)  movement “represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic…an existential threat to democracy.”

“Joe Biden talks a lot about decency, but he and his staff don’t have a decent bone in their bodies,” a Trump campaign adviser was quoted after the assassination attempt.  “These ridiculous and gross comments reflect the failure and dishonesty of the entire Biden operation.”

Meanwhile, the Biden campaign and Biden’s closest aides continue to liken Trump to Hitler and are ratcheting up the vitriol and anything else they can do to derail the Trump train to the White House.

Just a few weeks before the assassination attempt on the former president, Democrats in the House introduced legislation to end Trump’s Secret Service protection after he was convicted of a phony felony in New York for falsifying business records related to hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels.

Biden had already refused to provide Secret Service protection for third-party candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. After the attempt on Donald Trump, Biden quickly changed course and authorized protection for Kennedy. How generous of you, Joe.

We may never know the motivation of the now-dead assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks.

Was he paid, or just some arbitrary nut who hated Trump? Did he have any accomplices? Was he a member of some radical political or terrorist group?

I’m sure the conspiracy theories will proliferate in the aftermath of the unsuccessful attack on Trump.

Who was really behind the attack? The CIA? A rogue element within the Secret Service ranks? The Biden campaign? Joe Biden himself?

Or was Crooks simply an irrational loser seeking to make history like John Hinckley Jr. when he shot President Ronald Reagan in 1981?

   Fight, fight, fight. You can’t keep Trump down.

I am leaning toward the latter, not any of the former theories. Even though I am sure Joe Biden and his disciples would not be shedding any tears if the nation were holding a funeral for Donald Trump this week instead of a Republican convention, I don’t believe they are stupid enough to hire a 20-year-old ne’er-do-well to assassinate their primary political rival.

Crooks was a registered Republican and a Democrat donor. Go figure. Right now, he appears to be a bipartisan assassin, which neither party wants to claim.

You might think that after such a horrific event, the leftist talking heads on CNN, MSNBC, and social media outlets might tone down the hateful rhetoric toward Donald Trump. They haven’t, and their comments before the attempt on Trump’s life could have triggered a troubled individual like Crooks to eliminate the object of their hatred.

From the time Donald Trump took office in January 2017, those suffering from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) began their detestable blather about how the new president was like or worse than Hitler.

Sunsara Taylor of Refuse Fascism told Fox News’s Tucker Carlson that Trump already had exceeded the evils of the Nazi tyrant and he “could arguably be worse than Hitler and more dangerous than Hitler ever could have been.” Wow!

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, the ostentatious and insolent loudmouth, denounced Trump’s patriotic “America First” inaugural address, calling it “Hitlerian.”

Rachel Maddow, the female version of boorish Chris Matthews on MSNBC, said that if she interviewed Trump, she would ask him: “Are you going to send me or anybody that I know to a concentration camp?” So far, Rachel Madcow, I haven’t seen any death camps that Trump has built. Have you?

Even actor Robert De Niro, who seems to have a particularly obsessive hatred for Donald Trump (was he not invited on The Apprentice?), jumped into the hate fest. “Trump’s a dictator. Citizens of foreign nations did not take other dictators seriously,” he said. “Think Hitler and Mussolini.” Incredible cerebral gymnastics there, Robert.

And just last month,  The New Republic magazine proudly displayed this cover on its June edition:

So, what are we to make of all of this?

Could these vile statements possibly have triggered what happened at the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania? Could they have sent the subliminal message to Crooks: “Kill Trump, he’s Hitler?”

Could Crooks have decided it was time to make Trump a target, a “bullseye?”

Will Democrats ever stop with their vicious attacks on their political opponents?

I doubt it.

After all, Joe Biden is their “Führer,” and his mind-numbing sycophants are in lockstep behind him.

So, we may not have seen the last of Democrat-inspired assassins during this presidential election.

Of course, now that the FBI has revealed it is investigating a possible plot by Iran to assassinate Trump, the Dems have some serious competition to see who can bring down “The Donald” before he can get to the White House.

Stay tuned!



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