Saturday Funnies for Your Enjoyment and Edification. Enjoy! 

Saturday Funnies for Your Enjoyment and Edification. Enjoy! 











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2 thoughts on “Saturday Funnies for Your Enjoyment and Edification. Enjoy! ”

  1. I especially like the recap of six decades of scare-news because it fits so well with my personal list of fake news headlines. The Leftist’s fantasies are an example of how fake news has warped their mental faculties and their grasp of reality. A partial list of the fake news they’ve swallowed and promptly moved on from without learning a thing:
    #EntireNations=Drowned By 2000Hoax #Venezuela=SocialistParadiseHoax #
    #RussianBountyHoax #BedPeeingHoax #HandsUpDon’tShootHoax #Avenatti=RockstarHoax #Biden:NoVaxMandateHoax #IncitementToRiotHoax #10,000LiesHoax #CovidIsAHoaxHoax #InjectBleachHoax #EarmarksOfRussianDisinformationHoax #Ivermectin=HorseMedicineHoax
    #IvermectinOverdoses OverwhelmOkalahomaHospitalsHoax
    #If you get the fax, you won’t get covid hoax
    #if you get the fax, you won’t spread covid hoax
    #Nusrat Jahan Choudhury: American Police kill unarmed black men every single day.Hoax
    #TwoWeeksToBendTheCurveHoax #Brandon=AModerateHoax #Kyle=EvilHoax #PoliceHuntDownAAVictimsHoax #DrinkingBleachHoax #RussiaCollusionHoax #NazisAreFinePeopleHoax #OverfeedingKoiHoax #RussiaCollusionHoax #SonicWeaponHoax #SmollettHoax #NickSandmanHoax #DukeLacrosseHoax #UVa PhiKappaPsiFraternityRapeHoax
    #WhiteHispanicAmbushedTrayvonHoax #Hydroxychloroquine=DangerousHoax #TravelRestrictionsAreXenophobicHoax #17IntelAgenciesReportedRussianElectoralMeddlingHoax #CriticalRaceTheory=NotTaughtInPublicschoolsHoax #WeAllShould AspireToBeCuomosexualsHoax #StacyLostDueToGerrymanderingHoax #StacyLostDueToVoterSuppressionHoax #OprahWasProfiledInSwissBoutiqueHoax #ImminentIceAgeHoax #OzoneHoleHoax #KillerBeesHoax #MurderHornetsHoax #AcidRainHoax #BorderGuardsWhippingRefugeesHoax #VaxProtectsFromCovidHoax #VaxPreventsCovidTransmissionHoax #TornadoesCausesByGlobalWarmingHoax #MurdersCausedByCovidHoax #6JanuaryInsurgentsBeatCapitolPoliceOfficerBrianSicknickHoax #Gun-TotingInsurrectionistsInvadedCaitol6JanHoax #EpsteinKilledHimselfRightAsAllTheCamerasFailedSimultaneouslyHoax #Gov.Cuomo=TheGoldStandardOfLeadershipHoax #BubbaWallaceVictimizedByHateCrimeHoax #45SaidCovid=HoaxHoax #AntifaProtests=PeacefulHoax #BLMprotests=PeacefulHoax #DefundPolice=Good ForSocietyHoax
    #Dire Famine Forecast By 1975
    #NYT-Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989
    #Ice Age By 2000
    #America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974
    #Food Rationing In America By 1980
    #New Ice Age Coming By 2020
    #New Ice Age Coming By 2030
    #New Ice Age By 2070
    #Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
    #Another Ice Age?
    #Ozone Depletion=”Great Peril to Life”
    #Scientific Consensus: Planet Cooling
    #Famines imminent
    #Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes
    #No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend
    #Regional Droughts in 1990s
    #Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
    #Maldive Islands will Be Underwater by 2018
    #Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000
    #New York City’s West Side Highway Underwater by 2019
    #Children Won’t Know what Snow Is
    #Famine by 2012 If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy
    #Britain will Be Siberia by 2024
    #Arctic will Be Ice-Free by 2018
    #Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013
    #Climate Genius Prince Charles: We Have Till 2017 to Save World
    #UK PM: 50 Days to ‘Save The Planet From Catastrophe’
    #Climate Genius Al Gore: Ice-Free Arctic By 2014
    #Arctic Ice-Free by 2015
    #‘Climate Chaos’ By 2014
    #Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide
    #World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources
    #Oil Gone By 1976
    #Oil Depleted By 1992
    #Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in 1990s
    #Peak Oil In 2000
    #Peak Oil in 2010
    #Peak Oil in 2020
    #Super Hurricanes!
    #Manhattan Underwater by 2015
    #Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985
    #Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable
    #Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish
    #Cooling World=Drastic Decline in Food Production
    #Worldwide Plague
    #Overwhelming Pollution
    #Ecological Catastrophe
    #Virtual Collapse of UK by End of 20th Century
    #Depletion and Shortages of Gold, Tin, Oil, Natural Gas, Copper, Aluminum
    #Oceans Dead By 1980
    #US Water Rationing by 1974, Food Rationing by 1980
    #World’s Leading Climate Expert Predicts Lower Manhattan Underwater by 2018
    #Fifty Million Climate Refugees by the Year 2020
    #Snowfalls Are Now a Thing of the Past
    #UN Warns: Warming To Wipe Entire Nations Off the Face of the Earth by 2000
    #Washington Post Predicted Cherry Blossoms Blooming in Winter
    #Civilization Under Threat To End By 2000
    #At Least 100 Million People A Year Starving To Death By 1980
    #65 Million Americans To Perish in the 1980s “Great Die-Off.”
    #By 1980 Pollution to Force Urban Dwellers To Wear Gas Masks.
    #By 1985 Pollution To Cut Sunlight On Earth 50%.
    #“Smog Disasters” Will Kill 200,000 Americans in 1973.
    #American Life Expectancy To Be 42 years By 1980,
    #Earth To Run Out Of Copper Soon After 2000.
    #Lead, Zinc, Tin, Gold, And Silver To Be Gone Before 1990.
    #Extinction Of 75-80 percent Of All Living Animal Species By 21st Century.
    #Earth To Be Four Degrees Colder By 1990.
    ##Earth To Be Eleven Degrees Colder By 2000.
    #45Lied About Being Spied on Hoax #
    #Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 Swallowed by Back Hole Hoax
    #BorderPatrolWhipsHaitianImmigrantsHoax #Kavanaugh=GangRapistHoax #
    #The List Goes On. Stay tuned for BREAKING NEWS!

  2. Fun stuff, Ron. I loved the Greta bash. I also liked the shrug off on Biden’s mistakes. The only other country that would put up with his kind of incompetence in their leader is Russia.


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