A Blog Post Wherein I Get Giddy And Agitated About Definite Articles And Apostrophes…

Today I am delighted to share a post from fellow Author Heidi Mastrogiovanni, author of  “La La Pettibone’s Act Two.”  In it, she provides a stern lesson on grammar and language. Read it. You won’t be sorry! By Heidi Mastrogiovanni Okay, so, I’m thinking maybe we alternate the Precious Pets Past and Present Posts (wherein I …

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Prognostications for 2017

Predicting what will happen in the New Year is ordinarily a futile exercise, but in President-Elect Donald Trump’s case, there are a couple of prognostications that will, without a doubt, come to pass. First, Trump will be officially inaugurated on January 20—notwithstanding those ludicrous ballot recounts, yowling Democrats, the Russians, …

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A “Deplorable” Goes Public

(Note: This is a substantially revised and highly personalized version of an email I recently received from a like-minded American Deplorable. I hope you will find it thought-provoking). I used to think I was just a regular guy, but . . . I was born a white male, which means, whether …

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Students Support First Amendment Freedoms More Than Adults

There is a reason the very first amendment to the U. S. Constitution in 1791 dealt with issues such as freedom of speech, the press, religion, the right of peaceful assembly and the right to redress grievances via government petition.

The founding fathers viewed those freedoms and rights as critical to a functioning democracy. Without them a government could exercise almost total control over its people.

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