It is a pleasure to share a post about writing by fellow author John W. Howell, author of a trilogy of thrillers about John J. Cannon, an everyman attorney who is unwittingly thrust into a nation-wide terrorist plot. (See below). John’s post focuses on a frequent question often asked of …

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“Finding Billy Battles” a Finalist for the Laramie Book Award

I am honored to report that Finding Billy Battles, book one in the Finding Billy Battles trilogy, was just added to the “short list” for the Laramie Book Awards #CAC17, #SeriousAuthors, #LaramieShortlister @ChantiReviews. The Short Listed Semi-Finalists are now in the final rounds of judging for the Five First in Category Positions. The Semi-Finalists …

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A Blog Post Wherein I Get Giddy And Agitated About Definite Articles And Apostrophes…

Today I am delighted to share a post from fellow Author Heidi Mastrogiovanni, author of  “La La Pettibone’s Act Two.”  In it, she provides a stern lesson on grammar and language. Read it. You won’t be sorry! By Heidi Mastrogiovanni Okay, so, I’m thinking maybe we alternate the Precious Pets Past and Present Posts (wherein I …

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Prognostications for 2017

Predicting what will happen in the New Year is ordinarily a futile exercise, but in President-Elect Donald Trump’s case, there are a couple of prognostications that will, without a doubt, come to pass. First, Trump will be officially inaugurated on January 20—notwithstanding those ludicrous ballot recounts, yowling Democrats, the Russians, …

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