An Alarming Prediction

Today I am posting a commentary from political writer Gary Reece. His predictions are disquieting, but I fear he may be on target with them-especially because stumbling, bumbling, mumbling Joe Biden continues to attack and label some 75 million American voters—half of the nation’s electorate—”fascists” and domestic terrorists. An alarming …

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How Political Correctness & Cancel Culture are Destroying America (Part 1)

A long time ago, a Pulitzer Prize-winning Kansas editor named William Allen White wrote an editorial in the Emporia Gazette entitled “What’s the Matter with Kansas?” In it, he railed against obtuse populist politicians and visionless citizens who he was convinced were running Kansas (my home state) into the ground. …

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“Why We are Against Transgenderism:” The National Association of Scholars

I have often addressed the insanity of transgenderism and its impact on millennia of settled science, human biology, and women’s athletics. Now, the National Association of Scholars, an organization I belong to as a former professor (now emeritus), has boldly issued a statement and rationale against the cult of transgenderism …

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Political Smears in 2022 are Tame Compared with the Past

As the 2022 midterm elections draw ever nearer, the slurs and mud-slinging are picking up. Liberals are calling conservatives domestic terrorists and white supremacists. Conservatives are calling liberals leftist lunatics and depraved communists. Pretty nasty stuff, right? Not really, not when you look at the kind of mudslinging gutter politics …

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