Some Facts About Book Publishing and a Little Shameless Self-Promotion

And now, for a little shameless self-promotion. My books are now available worldwide on the Book Marketing Global Network. Here’s the link: In my journey as an author, I have discovered that the easy part is writing a book, while the toughest element is promoting and marketing it. The …

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A record 1.8 million Immigrants are living in the U.S. since the Biden mob took power

Congratulations, Joe Biden. New Census Bureau numbers show that a record 1.8 million illegal immigrants are living in the United States since you gained access to the White House. What does that mean? Well, it means we are seeing a surge in the ratio of foreign-born to native-born residents, reports …

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Flashman–Victorian England’s foremost rotter would have made a great foreign correspondent

At the request of a faithful follower, today I am re-posting a column that appeared a while back in The Economist, one of the U.K.’s most prestigious magazines. Written by an unnamed foreign correspondent, it takes a sardonic and self-effacing view of foreign correspondents by suggesting that Harry Flashman, Victorian …

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