In 2020, after Joe Biden announced that Kamala Harris would be his running mate, an ad hoc group of Democratic Party operatives sent an extraordinary memo instructing all news media outlets on how to cover Kamala.
Here’s what the memo said, in part:
“Our country — and your newsrooms — have learned a lot since the death of George Floyd and the subsequent protests for racial equality that his death spurred … We know from public reporting that many of your newsrooms had internal conversations about your coverage, your diversity, and your editorial judgments.
“A black woman VP candidate requires the same kind of internal consideration about systemic inequality as you undertook earlier this year. We are here to help you with this challenge. We intend to collectively and individually monitor coverage, and we will call out those we believe take our country backward with sexist and racist coverage. As we enter another historic moment, we will be watching you.”
Let that last phrase sink in: “WE WILL BE WATCHING YOU.”
Got it? Any criticism of vice-president Giggles will be considered racist and sexist.

It was a bizarre move, and if it had happened 30 or 40 years ago, that memo would have gone on the bulletin boards of newsrooms everywhere, and reporters would have thrown darts at it.
But not in today’s newsrooms where most journalists have become willing sycophants of the Democrat Party, Joe Biden, and his cadre of socialist cronies.
In other words, any news media organization that dares probe too profoundly into Harris’s political past, questions her incessant flip-flopping on issues, or her radical leftist ideas will be branded with the dreaded scarlet letters “R” and “S” (Racist and Sexist).
Now that Joe Biden has been ejected from the White House by the all-powerful doyens of the Democrat Party, Kamala appears to be the “anointed one.”
Of course, nothing is certain in this Democrat Party. Elevating the first black woman of South Asian descent to the top of the ticket as the party’s presidential nominee may be a history-making moment, but it’s not inevitable. Democrat Party leaders, including Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, prefer an open process because they believe it would strengthen any Democratic nominee opposing Donald Trump.

There is a rift in the Democrat Party between the growing socialist wing, led by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and traditional moderates led by Pelosi, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Rep. Hakeem Jefferies.
Here’s what AOC had to say about elevating Kamala to the top of the ticket in Chicago just hours before Biden announced his decision last Sunday to drop out of the race:
“If you think that there is consensus among the people who want Joe Biden to leave….that they will support Kamala, Vice President Harris, you would be mistaken.”
In other words, prepare for a brokered or a contested Democratic Party convention led by “The Squad.”
If Kamala manages to grab the nomination during next month’s convention in Chicago, there is little doubt that the Democrat Party will issue a similar set of marching orders for the mainstream media that contain rules on how to cover Kamala.
I suspect the legacy media are already scrambling to create a list of softball questions their toady reporters can lob at Harris with the effective force of Nerf balls. Don’t expect the media to ask Kamala about her achievements as vice president because there were none.
You won’t hear them asking questions about Kamala’s assignment to deal with the southern border and the illegal immigration crisis the Biden regime purposely created. After all, those 10 million illegal migrants are new Democrat voters.
And forget about questions that explore how Kamala Harris sashayed and shimmied into politics as the mistress of Willie Brown, the dodgy speaker of the House in California who was once the most powerful political figure in the state.
Say what?
Yes, Harris was an attractive woman in her mid-20s, whom the married Brown flaunted at state political and social events. It was an open secret in California.
And no, Californians haven’t forgotten it, Kamala. But I bet the legacy media have.
As a reward for her (ahem) companionship, Harris obtained several prominent, potent, and profitable political appointments in state government, and the rest, as they say, is history.
I dare any legacy media reporter to question Harris’s barefaced deviousness or immorality at a press conference or debate.
Don’t hold your breath. It will never happen because if any news media outlet dared raise those subjects, it would be attacked by the DNC for being sexist, misogynistic, and racist.
As political commentator and radio talk show host Tammy Bruce said recently:
“For decades, the Democrats have enjoyed a pliant media. Ranging from covering up for John F. Kennedy’s affairs to ignoring Hillary Clinton’s health and corruption issues during the 2016 race, the media certainly have never needed such a public reminder about their duty to handle a Democratic politician like a fragile and special golden egg. So why now? Because identity politics demands it, and with news now disseminated beyond the broadcast networks and just a few loyal newspapers, Democrats need to reinforce the need for media protection to gaslight the public about their real agenda and inherent incompetence.”
Without a doubt, the legacy media are in the process of constructing a virtual bunker for Kamala.
My introduction to Kamala Harris was during the disgraceful 2018 Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. Like millions of other Americans, I watched as Kamala Harris harangued Kavanaugh and was, without a doubt, the most disrespectful and vicious of the Democrat senators. The fact that she accepted the flimsiest of evidence in attacking Kavanaugh for the implausible and unsubstantiated accusation of gang rape speaks volumes about her judgment.
Now that Joe has announced that he is not running for reelection, Kamala is next in the line of succession in the Democrat Party. At least, it seems that way right now with Joe Biden and the Clintons endorsing her.
But who knows what will happen in Chicago in a few weeks? Will the Obamas support her, or will Kamala have to scratch and claw her way to the nomination through a bundle of backroom deals?

Will there be a split in the Democrat Party that will play out on the convention floor the way it did in 1968 when Hubert Humphrey and Edmund Muskie were finally nominated after days of backbiting and squabbling?
Here is what Janice Shaw Crouse, former executive director of the World Congress of Families and Senior Fellow of Concerned Women for America, had to say about Kamala’s qualities as a president:
“She fails on every measure — significantly!
“Leadership? She is obviously, much like Hillary, a ruthless opportunist willing to do or say whatever it takes to get ahead.
“Ideas/Policies? She can be swayed; however, the political winds are blowing at the time. Even her friends explain that she is “not ideological,” meaning she doesn’t take principled stances on important issues.
“Experience? She has dramatically failed upward! The media have frequently acknowledged her “history of flip-flopping and deceit.”
And don’t forget Kamala’s failed run for the presidency in 2020. She garnered no support and dropped out of the race before the first primary.
Nevertheless, you can bet the Democrat Party is already warning the media to handle Kamala Harris with kid gloves—not the venomous way they went after Sarah Palin in 2008 or the malicious way they are already attacking Trump’s running mate J.D. Vance today.
You have been warned, legacy media. Thou shalt not offend the untouchable chameleon named Kamala.
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