The Awful English Language

Let’s face it, Americans are notoriously inept when it comes to learning other languages. Unlike Europe, where many people speak several languages because dozens of nations with distinct tongues adjoin one another, the United States only has Canada to the North and Mexico to the South. Spanish is the second …

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The top 15 ebook stores in 5 countries

Today, I am reprinting a new report by Author Earnings on how Ebooks are doing in five English-speaking countries compared with print books. Author Earnings is a website for authors, by authors. It’s purpose is to gather and share information so that writers can make informed decisions. Its secondary mission …

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It is a pleasure to share a post about writing by fellow author John W. Howell, author of a trilogy of thrillers about John J. Cannon, an everyman attorney who is unwittingly thrust into a nation-wide terrorist plot. (See below). John’s post focuses on a frequent question often asked of …

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“Finding Billy Battles” a Finalist for the Laramie Book Award

I am honored to report that Finding Billy Battles, book one in the Finding Billy Battles trilogy, was just added to the “short list” for the Laramie Book Awards #CAC17, #SeriousAuthors, #LaramieShortlister @ChantiReviews. The Short Listed Semi-Finalists are now in the final rounds of judging for the Five First in Category Positions. The Semi-Finalists …

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